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AC Charger

DC Charger

Chargin Guns

EV AC chargers

"In the case of AC charging, conversion of the electrical current to DC happens inside the EV. All EVs come with onboard chargers capable of converting the current before supplying it to the car’s battery. AC chargers are more common in the EV ecosystem as they are comparatively less expensive to produce, install, and operate.

EV DC Charger

On the other hand, DC chargers enable the conversion of current from AC to DC outside the vehicle. This transformation takes place inside the charger itself. DC is then directly fed into the EV, surpassing the need for onboard conversion.  

EV Charging Gun

Electric vehicle charging guns are mainly used to charge electric vehicles. The charging gun acts as an interface between the charging device and the rechargeable battery of the electric vehicle. The state has mandatory standards.